Published on Apr 7, 2024 12:48

Understanding useMemo and memo in React: Optimizing Performance

React's power comes from its virtual DOM, which efficiently updates the actual DOM only when necessary. However, complex calculations or unnecessary re-renders within components can slow down your application. This is where useMemo and memo come in - tools for optimizing performance by memoization.

What is Memoization?

Memoization is an optimization technique that caches the results of expensive functions. When the function is called again with the same arguments, the cached result is returned instead of re-executing the function. This saves processing power and improves performance.

useMemo: Memoizing Values and Computations

useMemo is a React hook that allows you to memoize the result of a function within a functional component. It takes two arguments:

  1. Function: The function you want to memoize. This function can be computationally expensive or involve complex calculations.
  2. Dependency Array (Optional): An array of values that the function depends on. useMemo will only re-execute the function if any of these values change.


  • Prevents expensive calculations from re-running on every render, especially when the underlying data hasn't changed.
  • Improves performance by caching the results.
  • Useful for calculations derived from props, state, or other values within the component.


const MyComponent = ({ data }) => {
  const memoizedSquaredValue = useMemo(() => {
    return data * data; // Expensive calculation
  }, [data]);

  return (
      Squared value: {memoizedSquaredValue}

In this example, useMemo ensures that the data * data calculation only happens when data changes.

memo: Memoizing Component Renders

memo is a higher-order component (HOC) that wraps a functional component. It compares the props of the wrapped component on every render. If the props haven't changed, memo prevents the component from re-rendering, improving performance.


  • Prevents unnecessary re-renders of a component when its props haven't changed.
  • Useful for pure components that rely solely on props and don't use internal state or context.
  • Reduces unnecessary virtual DOM updates.


const PureButton = ({ label, onClick }) => (
  <button onClick={onClick}>{label}</button>

const MemoizedButton = memo(PureButton);

Here, memo wraps the PureButton component. If the label and onClick props remain the same, memo prevents a re-render.

When to Use Which

  • Use useMemo when you want to memoize the result of a function within a component, especially for expensive calculations.
  • Use memo when you want to prevent a component from re-rendering unnecessarily based on prop changes.

They can be used together:

const MyComponent = memo(({ data }) => {
  const memoizedSquaredValue = useMemo(() => data * data, [data]);

  return (
      Squared value: {memoizedSquaredValue}

Important Considerations:

  • Don't overuse useMemo and memo. Premature optimization can make code harder to understand.
  • Make sure the cost of the function call outweighs the overhead of memoization.
  • Be mindful of the dependency array in useMemo. If it's empty, the function will never re-run, even if its underlying data changes.
  • memo only compares shallow prop equality. For deep comparisons, use a custom comparison function.

By understanding useMemo and memo, you can effectively optimize your React applications for better performance and a smoother user experience.