Published on Dec 5, 2023 08:14

Next JS: Page pre-rendering and Data fetching

Next.js provides several ways to pre-render pages and fetch data. The main concepts include:

  1. Page Pre-rendering:
    • Static Generation (SG): Pages are generated at build time. This is the default method for most Next.js pages. The content is fixed at build time.
      • Example: getStaticProps in Next.js allows you to fetch data and pre-render a page at build time.
export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch data from an API
  const res = await fetch('');
  const data = await res.json();

  // Pass data to the page via props
  return {
    props: { data },

  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): Pages are initially generated at build time, but can be regenerated on-demand. This allows for updating content without rebuilding the entire site.
    • Example: revalidate option in getStaticProps allows you to specify how often a page should be re-generated.
export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch data from an API
  const res = await fetch('');
  const data = await res.json();

  // Re-generate the page every 10 seconds
  return {
    props: { data },
    revalidate: 10,

  • Server-side Rendering (SSR): Pages are generated on each request. This is useful for pages that need to fetch data at runtime.
    • Example: getServerSideProps allows you to fetch data on every request.
export async function getServerSideProps() {
  // Fetch data from an API
  const res = await fetch('');
  const data = await res.json();

  // Pass data to the page via props
  return {
    props: { data },

2. Data Fetching:

  • Client-Side Rendering (CSR): Data is fetched on the client side, typically using useEffect or other client-side data fetching methods.
    • Example: Fetching data on the client side using React hooks.
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState({});

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      const res = await fetch('');
      const result = await res.json();

  }, []);

  return (

  • Server-Side Data Fetching: Data is fetched on the server side, either during static generation or server-side rendering.
    • Example: Using getStaticProps or getServerSideProps to fetch data on the server side.
export async function getStaticProps() {
  const res = await fetch('');
  const data = await res.json();

  return {
    props: { data },

These concepts allow you to choose the most appropriate method for pre-rendering and data fetching based on the requirements of your Next.js application.